Monday, May 24, 2010

Week of 5/24

Last week's training went really well. I felt like I was in heaven on Wednesday's run. It was a cool morning, the birds were chirping, the smell of honeysuckle filled the air, the breeze was blowing, and airplanes were taking off overhead! Sunday's run on the other hand was not heaven. I went out with the intent to run either 7 or 8 miles. The temperature was in the 70s when I started, too bad the humidity was at 93%. That was the sweatiest run ever! The last 2 miles were tough to take. So, I went from heaven to hell in one week. You have to love Memphis weather!

My mom, brother, and I are heading up to Chicago this weekend on a recon mission. We have to figure out the lay of the land before the marathon in October. I have a 9 mile run planned for Sunday morning. I will get to run along Lake Michigan. I can't wait!

Here is the schedule for the week:

Monday: Strength Training (Upper Body Dumbbells and Abs)
Tuesday: 5 mile run
Wednesday: 3 mile run + Abs
Thursday: 5 mile run
Friday: Strength Training (Upper Body Dumbbells, Lower Body Weight Machines, and Abs)
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 9 mile run along Lake Michigan

Alzheimer's Statistic: According to a new report from the Alzheimer's Association, Changing the Trajectory of Alzheimer's Disease: A National Imperative, in the absence of disease-modifying treatments, the cumulative costs of care for people with Alzheimer's from 2010 to 2050 will exceed $20 trillion (in today's dollars).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week of 5/17

There are only a couple more weeks left of training my body to run again after my injury. On June 7, I will be starting the "official" marathon training that I must follow to a T.

Here is my schedule for this week.

Monday - 3 miles
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - 5 miles
Thursday - Strength Training (Upper Body Dumbbells and Abs)
Friday - 5 miles
Saturday - Strength Training (Complete Body Exercise DVD)
Sunday - 7 or 8 miles

Over the weekend, I was reading Runner's World and came across an interesting statistic. "A recent poll revealed that 66 percent of respondents had suffered an injury in 2009." After reading this, I realized that I am not the first person to have to take a break from running due to injury, and I will also not be the last.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week of 5/10

Last week, I didn't follow my schedule very well due to being busy and traveling. So far this week, I am right on track.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Monday: Upper Body Strength Training
Tuesday: 4 miles
Wednesday: Upper Body Strength Training + Abs
Thursday: 4 miles
Friday: 6 miles
Saturday & Sunday: Rest

Quote of the Week: "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run." ~ John Bingham

The Alzheimer's Association sent me a link to this article. I thought I would share it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week of May 3 - May 9

Last week's runs went pretty well. I am going to continue the 3 miles runs during the week and up my mileage for the weekend. Hopefully after a couple more weeks of this, I will be ready for the official marathon training.

Here is the schedule for this week.

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 3 miles
Wednesday - Strength Training (Upper Body and Abs)
Thursday - 3 miles
Friday - Strength Training (Upper Body and Abs)
Saturday - Cross Training (Turbo Jam Cardio Party Exercise DVD)
Sunday - 6 miles

Quote of the week: "You feel good while you're running and you feel even better when you're finished." ~ Fred Lebow, founder of the New York City Marathon