This is just a blog for me to post whatever happens to be on my mind that day...Alzheimer's news, Stampin' Up projects, Stitch Fix reviews, Workout updates, etc.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Merry Stitchmas to Me!!
Merry Stitchmas to me!! I received Fix #7 from Stitch Fix on Christmas Eve...and it was the perfect Christmas gift!!
My note to the stylist simply read, "In the spirit of Christmas, surprise me. I promise I won't peek!!" It was so hard to wait until Christmas day to open my box...a whole 24 hours. I even waited and didn't look at the checkout ahead of time either. I'm so glad that I waited...what a great Christmas!
The first thing I did was read my note to my stylist...before I even looked at my clothes! I'm so happy that I read it set the tone for the whole unboxing. I had a new stylist this time, Solenice. She is Ah-Ma-Zing!!
Now, onto the clothes!
Kut From the Kloth Kate Distressed Boyfriend Jean with Mystree Chamberlin Striped Drape Front Cardigan
I'm in love!! Kut From the Kloth Jeans are the best invention ever! I received a pair in my 5th fix and fell totally in love. My stylist sent me some in my 6th fix as well, but I had to send those back due to sizing issues. I updated my style profile, and BOOM, perfect fit. They feel amazing on...just like wearing butter!
And this cardigan, it looks so great on me. I love the colors and the drapeiness of it. It is a great versatile piece that can be worn both as a casual piece and a work piece. See it below with a pair of Emers I received in my last fix.
RD Style Angus Split Back Mixed Material Sweater
Things I like about this sweater: the color (I look good in black and it goes with everything), the elbow patches, and the split back! See below picture for the back...
41Hawthorn Gideon Polka Dot Sweater
I've seen this sweater all over Pinterest. I recently pinned it because I thought it would look perfect with my new pair of red pants...turns out, I was right!
41Hawthorn Rowson Colorbock Striped Sweater
I need more casual, jean perfect sweaters...even though it was 79 degrees the day after Christmas. This sweater fit the bill.
What a perfect 5/5 Christmas fix. And how awesome is Solenice. She referenced my blog, pinterest board, and previous fixes. She is a keeper!! I love Stitch Fix!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Stitch Fix Review #5 - October 2015
It's time for my review of my 5th fix from Stitch Fix. Wait, I don't remember a review of #4....yeah, yeah, yeah...I got busy. I will be posting that one later this week or next week. Spoiler alert: #4 was a perfect 5/5!
So, here goes nothing. Oh yeah, and don't mind the hair and no makeup. I knew with the playoffs going on that Sunday night was the only possible time I had to try everything on, and I didn't feel like getting dolled up. Unfortunately, the playoffs ended a bit too early for my beloved Cardinals. Even my daughter was upset with their early departure...
See? Doesn't that just break your heart. Shame on you Cubs for upsetting my baby like that!
Back to the review:
For this Fix, here was my note to my Stylist:
"My daughter's 3rd bday party is at the end of October. I would love a cute fall outfit to wear to that...dress or pants/top...either would work great. Also, I would like some casual fall pieces for this fix." I chose to keep it pretty simple, and let the stylist do her job. After all, that's why I joined Stitch Fix in the first place!
Here is the note from my stylist. I really like that she referenced my note to her and my Pinterest board. Makes me feel like I truly do have my own personal stylist...nevermind the fact that I'm sharing her with loads of other people.
Now, on to the fashion show.
41 Hawthorn Queensland Dolman Jersey Top with Kut From the Kloth Simmons Bootcut Jeans, accessorized with the Mediterranean Beaded Necklace
My first thought: I'm so in LOVE with this necklace!!
My next thought: Can I really pull off black jeans?? These jeans are amazing...super comfy, fits amazing (how can a stylist who has never met me before send such great fitting jeans?), best jeans EVER. I polled the Stitch Fix group on Facebook, and they assured me that black jeans are in and can be worn with anything. With that feedback, I chose to KEEP! I love the Dolman top as fits great and is very comfortable. As far as the black on black, I'm still not convinced I can pull it off. I think I will try a colorful scarf with big earrings and a bracelet. I am keeping all 3 pieces, but I will not be wearing it to my daughter's bday party though...I found the perfect shirt for it elsewhere. I will be pairing that with my new fabulous black jeans. Don't worry, I will have a blog post all about her party in a couple weeks.
Iner Kahla Tie-Neck Blouse
I saw this blouse on Pinterest and was so excited for it to be in my fix. I love the color and I think the style works well on me. Unfortunately, there was one problem:
The arm holes are just too big! :( This makes me so sad. I don't think I can size down though, b/c the XS would be too tight on my ribcage. I am so sad to see this one go back.
RD Style Lada Cowl Neck Sweater
Lily mentioned that this particular sweater runs big, and I styled it just how she mentioned...but, it's still too big and bulky. It was very comfy and warm though! So, this will also be returned.
Overall, I was very happy with this fix. Lily did a great job coming up with fall casual clothes at my request. She put me a little out of my comfort zone with black jeans, but I am super happy to now own a pair! I can't wait until Fix #6!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Red Jewelry
So, this is me today.
I decided to dress in red and blue in remembrance of 9/11. Of course as I was getting dressed, I was reminded of just where I was on this day 14 years ago. Then, my mind wondered to my red jewelry. I absolutely love this is set with necklace, earrings, and 5 bracelets. Every time I wear any of the items, I can't help but smile. You see, they remind me of my Grandpa. I bought them specifically for his funeral. I know...I can hear you now..."You bought RED for a funeral?" YES, I DID...and I wore it proudly. Sitting next to me was my mom in her red dress and to the other side was my cousin with her bright red belt. My grandpa was always fond of saying, "I like any color as long as it's red!" Brings a smile to my face every time. Miss you lots, Grandpa!
The jewelry came from Macy's a few years ago. The blue top is from Stitch Fix. To make a donation to the Alzheimer's Association in memory of my Grandpa, click here.
That's it for today!
Friday, August 28, 2015
Stitch Fix Review #3 - August 2015
Well, I am officially hooked. When I first signed up for Stitch Fix on June 17th of THIS year, I thought I would sign up to receive a fix every 2 months...maybe even every 3 months. On August 21st, I received my 3rd fix. Oops! And if I'm being truly honest, my 4th fix is scheduled to arrive on September 17th.
For this fix, I asked my stylist to concentrate on wear to work pieces. I am in desperate need of a work wardrobe upgrade, so Stitch Fix is my fairy godmother. So, what did I received in my 3rd fix??
Skies are Blue Ferris Mixed Material Collared Top with Margaret M Emer Printed Straight Leg Pant

Let's start with the pants. These pants are amazingly comfortable. They pull right on and fit like a glove. I really like the way these look on me and accentuate all the right places. The pattern though...I am not a patterned pants to work type of gal. I'm very conservative...the craziest I get with my pants are my solid fushia pants. And what you can't see from that picture is the pattern is actually both white and blue.
I posted these on facebook...both to my friends and a Stitch Fix message board. Everyone raved on how amazing they were and how I must keep them. In the end, I just don't think I'd feel comfortable wearing that much pattern to work. Verdict: Returned
Now on to the burgundy top. It looked really good with these pants. Other than that, I wasn't sold. I can't pinpoint exactly what it was about it, but I just felt like it was something a grandpa would wear. Call me crazy...I don't know. Verdict: Returned
Papermoon Claraday Pleat Detail Blouse
I'm pretty sure my expression says it all. How many people are supposed to wear this at one time?? Verdict: Returned
41Hawthorn Colibri Solid Tab Sleeve Blouse
The color of this one...I'm in love. Purple is a very good color on me. I really should wear purple more. I like the style of this blouse; my only complaint is that it's a bit big. I have asked customer service if they would exchange it for a Small rather than the Medium that is pictured here. I like the versatility of this piece. It will look great with both slacks for work and with leggings/skinny jeans during the fall. Verdict: Kept, requested smaller size
Zad Jorja Teardrop Bauble Necklace
The color and style of this are right up my alley. However, it just felt cheaply made. Since I have lots of jewelry in these tones already, I decided to pass. Verdict: Returned
This month's fix was only a 1/5, but I'm perfect ok with that. I tried on pieces that I wouldn't have picked for myself. I've come to the conclusion that fitted pants are my friend, whereas most of the pants in my closest currently are not. I figure that every time I provide my Stitch Fix stylist with feedback, my fixes will get better and better. Having a 1/5 this month is also how I can justify ordering my next one to arrive in less than a month. :)

Monday, August 10, 2015
10th Walk to End Alzheimer's
Once again, I am participating in the Memphis Walk to End Alzheimer's in memory of Ed Cecil. Can you believe that this year will be my 10th one??? I started walking in 2005 in honor of my grandfather. I have walked every year since then with the exception of 2009 (I was a newlywed and out of town that weekend.) I have also served on the Walk Committee as chairman for 3 of those years. One year I even ran the Chicago Marathon to help with my fundraising efforts - that sparked the birth of this blog. Putting an end to Alzheimer's is truly one of my passions.
This year my goal is to raise $3000. I have yet to hit that number in any given year. I'm aiming high because I know that one day I can achieve that amount. Just as one day, there will be an end to Alzheimer's. Right now, I would just settle for a known cause of Alzheimer's. You can't cure something unless you know what truly causes it.
In case you are curious, 78% of the funds donated to the Alzheimer's Association are used for Alzheimer's care, support, research, awareness, and advocacy. 16% goes towards fundraising, with only 6% being used for administration.
Please visit my personal fundraising website (or browse through my blog archives) to learn more about my story and why I Walk to End Alzheimer's.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Third Time's the Charm
So, I'm a little late posting this. My vacation got me all behind (posts on vacation coming soon).
The third time really is the charm. "What third time, what charm?", you might be asking. Wearing a skirt/dress to work! What??? Yes, I have been in my big girl job for over 10 years...last Thursday was only the 3rd time that I wore a dress/skirt to work. This time, it wasn't 3 strikes and you're was the 3rd time's the charm.
Let's recap my 3 experiences:
1st Time
I was fairly new to the company...a young female engineer surrounded by older male engineers. You can see where this is going. I needed to do laundry, so I decided to wear a skirt to was knee length (very work appropriate). As soon as I walked in the door, I heard this: "You're wearing a skirt! Why?" Unfortunately, that was not the last time I heard it that day. Every guy I saw that day said the same thing. Eventually, I just started looking down in surprise saying, "Oh wow...I am wearing a dress." Then I would smile and walk away.
2nd Time
Fast forward about 8-9 years...yes, I waited that long before attempting it again. This time, I worked in a department that had more females...most of whom wear dresses on a regular basis. I thought I might be safe. My daughter had a Christmas program at her daycare in the afternoon, and I wanted to look nice for that. Freen sweater dress, belt, tights, and boots on...I thought I looked pretty put together. I arrived at work, and the males kept commenting on how I looked like an elf. Great, I wear a dress again and now I look like an elf. In their defense, since it was Christmas time, I did kinda look like an elf.
3rd Time
July 23, 2015 - I had an Alzheimer's Luncheon that I was going to attend. I decided to dress nice and wear my purple dress. Here we go again! Only one person seemed shocked to see me in a dress. Everyone else showered me with compliments. :) The only questions/comments I received was on the purple color. This made me happy...I could then launch into my spiel on Alzheimer's. Win Win!!

Friday, July 24, 2015
Stitch Fix #2 Review - July 2015
My second fix from Stitch Fix arrived this week. YAY!!!!
I know it's been less than a month since my first fix, but I'm hooked and really wanted new clothes for my upcoming trip to South Carolina.
Did you know that you can leave personalized messages for your Stitch Fix stylist??? That's exactly what I did. I let her know that I was requesting this fix specifically for my summer vacation to Charleston. I provided her a list of some of the activities I thought I would be doing. She definitely paid attention and came through for me. I love how personalized her note is!!
Now, onto the clothes!
H&C Collection Bickenhall Split Back Top & Henry & Belle Abana Ankle Length Skinny Jean
Based on my stylist's suggestion, I paired these two pieces together. I wasn't impressed with them together...something about the combo of black and white with blue just didn't do it for me. But, I really liked them separate. By that, what I mean to say is that I really, really, really LOVE the Bickenhall Split Back Top and as my 3 days of trying on the skinnies progressed I started to fall in love with them too.
Don't you just love the back of this blouse??
Unfortunately, I don't have a picture...but, I went out on a limb last night as I was packing and paired this top with some black shorts. What a great vacation outfit! I'll make sure hubby takes pics of my wearing it to post it later.
Since I didn't like the blouse and skinny jeans together, I started searching my closet for ways to wear the skinny jeans. I think I found some good options. Here's one of them:
So, if you are wondering about the denim jacket, it is the one that my stylist sent me this fix and referenced in my note. Just USA Morrie Boyfriend Denim Jacket Based on the style card that was included, I chose to roll up the sleeves...they were actually too long not rolled. I think it turned out well.
Gilli Ryland Maxi Dress

This dress looks and feels like it was made especially for me!! It fits amazing and is very flattering to my body (if I do say so myself). The material is's not your typical cotton maxi. 100% keeper!! I can't wait to wear it to an upcoming baby shower that I'm attending.
Did you notice my necklace from my first fix??
Here's a look at the sytlist's suggestion of pairing the maxi with the denim jacket. I need your thoughts on it!
Market & Spruce Sam Hi-Lo Short Sleeve Tee

Meh, it's just a gray tee shirt. Yes, it is made of different material (think light sweater)...but, it's still just a boring gray tee shirt. My closet already has boring gray tee shirts. :)
So...what did I keep??? In the end, I kept everything. I really just wanted 4 out of the 5 items, but if you buy all 5 you get a 25% discount on the entire fix. It was actually cheaper to keep the boring gray shirt than it would have been to return it. I made sure I left that feedback upon checkout though. Thinking about signing up for Stitch Fix??? All the links in the post direct you using my referral link. If you sign up using any of these links, I get a $25 credit. Yay for free money helping me support my new found addiction!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Stitch Fix #1 Review
I had seen several people on Facebook post about Stitch Fix, so I finally decided to give it a try. I am so glad that I did.
What is Stitch Fix?
Stitch Fix is a personal styling subscription service. You are able to schedule a fix at any frequency you wish: every 2-3 weeks, every month, every 2 months, every 3 months, or as needed. It is very easy to get fill out a style profile with several questions and some example clothing for you to rate. You can direct them to a fashion Pinterest board or a blog, so they get to know your preferred style better. There is also a place for you to leave notes about your specific style or pieces that you need. There is a $20 styling fee every time you get a box, but it is credited to your account if you purchase an item from the box. If you choose to keep all 5 items they send, you get 25% off the whole box. You have 3 days to try everything on, then you send back what you don't want in a prepaid package. Super easy!!
What was in my Fix?
Every fix comes with a personalized note from your stylist as well as style cards for each of your items.
Pixley William Dress
I absolutely loved this dress!! It is not a normal style for me, but I loved the look of it on me. It will be perfect for my upcoming vacation. This is a KEEPER!
41Hawthorne Angela Quilted Detailed Blouse
I loved the quilted detail on this blouse...and the cobalt blue looks wonderful on me. Even though I would normally not spend $68 on a blouse, I just had to have this one!
Karen Kane Dorothy Pant
The pants that I have on in the previous picture are these pants. These are the most comfortable pants that I have ever worn. Unfortunately, the same material that made them so comfortable made them very form fitting. I just wouldn't have felt comfortable wearing them to work. Also, they were a tad on the long side...I normally wear boots under my work pants. I couldn't wear boots under these since they were so skinny at the bottom. Sadly, I had to eventually take them off and send them back.
Moon Collection Bailee Cowl Neck Knit Poncho
I loved this Poncho with the Dorothy looked amazing. Oops, I forgot to take pictures. By this point, I had already decided that I was going to return the pants. So, I tried the poncho with some of my regular work pants. looked like I had gained 20 lbs instantly. I just couldn't justify keeping it with nothing to currently wear with it that made me look good.
Bay to Baubles Emilee Teardrop Cluster Necklace
Definitely keeping this necklace!! I love the style and color. I looks great with the Quilted blouse that I'm also keeping.
I was so satisfied with my first Stitch Fix! I have another one scheduled to arrive on July 20th full of items for my vacation to Charleston. Can't wait!!
Finally Blogging Again
So, I am finally blogging again. I originally started this blog when I was training for the 2010 Chicago Marathon so that people could keep track of my training progress and provide me with encouragement. Then, I fell out of love with running. The blog then became my platform for Alzheimer's Awareness. Apparently, my last blog post was in August 2012...just 2 months before Brenna came into our lives. Any coincidence that I haven't blogged since she was born???
The format of the blog will be changing some. I will now use it to express anything that happens to come to my mind. Those topics will still include Alzheimer's Awareness and Running/Working Out. Others will include some of my Stampin' Up projects (why should I be the only one that gets to enjoy them), Stitch Fix reviews (I received my first fix this weekend, and I am hooked.), and whatever I think is interesting.
Let's hope I keep up the posts this time!
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