Friday, March 19, 2010

Right Lower Leg

Well, I went to the doctor on Monday afternoon. Based on where the pain is, he said that it's more than likely a stress fracture. The x-rays didn't show anything yet. He said this is normal; that you can't see anything on the first x-ray. I go back in 3 weeks for more x-rays. Then, the doctor will compare them. Hopefully, the x-rays will show something then. If not (and if I'm still in pain), then I will have an MRI done. Based on those x-rays/MRI, we will discuss how long I will be sidelined. In the meantime, I am to do NO RUNNING.

I am planning on being a spectator at the Germantown Half Marathon this weekend and cheering on a couple of coworkers.

Obviously, I will probably not have many schedule/recap updates in the near future. But, I do plan on still posting a quote of the week. I will also begin posting an Alzheimer's statistic of the week.

Based on what the doctor said this week, here is my quote of the week:
"Love hurts, love scars, love wounds..." -Nazareth


  1. Oh no, that is seriously a bummer! I hope that you don't get too downhearted and that those follow up x-rays show something good!

  2. This is Amanda btw, forgot to log off of Jason's account!

  3. Because your heart is in a good place, I'm hoping your leg will help you accomplish your goal. Luv u!!!
