While checking news sites today, I ran across this article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37463116/ns/health-the_new_york_times/ It is about 5,000 relatives in Columbia who are afflicted with early dementia and a potential drug study aimed at stopping Alzheimer's. If you have time, it is a good read.
Last week's training went really well. The total mileage for last week was 22 miles. I ran 9 miles on Sunday. That is the first time since my injury. The last mile was tough, but I made it!
This week's schedule:
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 5 miles
Wednesday - Strength (Upper Body Dumbbells and Abs)
Thursday - 5 miles
Friday - 6 miles
Weekend - Rest (John and I will be celebrating our anniversary, so I have the weekend off from training.)
Quote of the Week: "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're probably right." - Henry Ford
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