I just realized I never posted any pictures of my Chicago Marathon experience. Here is a picture of me before the race. Notice my purple for the Alzheimer's Association.
I do have good news to report: I am now working out about 4 times a week. Most weeks, 2 of these workouts are runs. They are only 2-3 milers, nothing like the double digit runs that I used to do on a regular baasis. It is a start though. :)
I am not currently training for any races. I want to get back into the swing of running before deciding what race to tackle next.
I am however raising money for the Alzheimer's Association again this year. For those that don't know, my grandpa passed away in March. Although we know that he is in a better place and now remembers us again, it has been very hard for me and my family. Please visit my "Walk to End Alzheimer's" webpage and consider a donation. I feel guilty that I'm not running a marathon for Grandpa this year, but I am doing my best to raise money in his honor. http://2011walktoendalz.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=457023&lis=1&kntae457023=E1A8B7C4BBD54BDFB783A3442352054F&supId=293082473
Here's a picture of Grandpa in his Cardinals shirt. Oh, how he loved his St. Louis Cardinals!

He does look happy in his Cardinals shirt.