Thursday, June 30, 2011

Coffee and Alzheimer's

This morning, as I was drinking my coffee, I read the following article.

Now, I'm very glad that I can't live without my morning coffee!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alzheimer's Association Longest Day

I received an e-mail from the Alzheimer's Association stating, "We can see an end to the longest day. Living with Alzheimer’s disease or caring for someone who has it requires endurance, patience, love and strength — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On June 21, the longest day of the year, participate in an activity that shows your commitment to going the distance in the fight against Alzheimer’s. Run, walk, bike or get active as part of the Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day™, a sunrise-to sunset-relay that raises funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research."

I took up the challenge. After work today, I ran a 5K. I wish that I could have run further, but my endurance took a beating after no training for 8 months. I know that Grandpa would be proud of the 3.1 miles that I did run in his memory today.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Running Quote for the Day

I received my quote of the day from Runner's World this morning and thought it was too good not to share.

"If you run every day until you're 90 years old, I guarantee that you'll live a long life." ~ Bill Rodgers' Lifetime Running Plan

It definitely made me smile today. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm Back

I know, I know...I have been away for a very long time. Let's just say that after the Chicago Marathon, I lost every bit of motivation I had. I thought after watching all the marathoners at the St. Jude Marathon in December I was motivated again. I was wrong. We returned from a 2.5 week vacation to Australia in January, and I thought I would start running again then...wrong again. I basically stopped running and pretty muched stopped working out all together. I finally started feeling very bad about myself for my lack of workout motivation. I forced myself to start being active again.

I just realized I never posted any pictures of my Chicago Marathon experience. Here is a picture of me before the race. Notice my purple for the Alzheimer's Association.

I do have good news to report: I am now working out about 4 times a week. Most weeks, 2 of these workouts are runs. They are only 2-3 milers, nothing like the double digit runs that I used to do on a regular baasis. It is a start though. :)

I am not currently training for any races. I want to get back into the swing of running before deciding what race to tackle next.

I am however raising money for the Alzheimer's Association again this year. For those that don't know, my grandpa passed away in March. Although we know that he is in a better place and now remembers us again, it has been very hard for me and my family. Please visit my "Walk to End Alzheimer's" webpage and consider a donation. I feel guilty that I'm not running a marathon for Grandpa this year, but I am doing my best to raise money in his honor.

Here's a picture of Grandpa in his Cardinals shirt. Oh, how he loved his St. Louis Cardinals!